Call Back the Light at Sedona’s Winter Solstice Celebrations

December 9, 2024

In Hopi tradition, it is believed that the thoughts you have and what you’re focused on at Winter Solstice sets the tone for how you will grow in the coming year. As dusk falls on 2024 and we look forward to daybreak on 2025, consider joining one of Sedona’s favorite Winter Solstice celebrations. Events will be held throughout the area in places of incredible natural beauty, allowing deep introspection and a welcoming in of light in our lives during one of the most powerful turning points of the year. 

Connect with nature, focus your intentions and find space for renewal within at these powerful gatherings. The programs are led by Sandra Cosentino, who has more than three decades of experience leading mystic insight and vision quest retreats, ceremonies and tours. Space is limited. While you’re here, stay at the Arabella, one of the best hotels for Sedona’s Winter Solstice celebrations, for a serene getaway in the midst of a frenzied holiday season. 

Small Group Outdoor Winter Solstic Programs 

December 14 or 22, 12-2 PM, a Sedona scenic overlook site: Solstice Mystical Nature Shamanic Journey Outdoor Seminar & Ceremonies

Come together in a series of shamanic journeys, connecting to medicine animals and wise helper spirits. Learn tree wisdom, feel reciprocity with nature and understand how to be attentive to the world around you. 

December 21, 11 AM-1 PM, a desert lagoon in Cottonwood: Winter Solstice Light Infusion–Insights and Energies Program

This series of shamanic journeys will connect you with wise helper spirits, the potent energies of this doorway to the return of the light, deepen your sense of self, call upon a higher self wisdom for guidance and tap into your deeper longing. You’ll close with a fire blessing and drumming activation. 

December 21, 3:30-5:30 PM, Sedona: Winter Solstice New Moon Sunset Ceremony–A time of Deepening and Calling Back the Light

Create sacred space, invoke cosmic energies to create positive change and celebrate Winter Solstice as our ancestors have for millenia. Participate in experiential insight journeys, ceremonial activations, movement and drumming, and nature connections. 

Sandra also leads a Vortex Circle sessions if you’d like to deepen your spiritual experience in Sedona.